Tuesday, April 10, 2007


A university student, 誠人, who loved photography, accidentally he knew a happy girl, 靜流, who called herself " not yetgrows". He was abject and late-maturing, so it's his first time to get together so easy and happy. But he was attracted by another girl, who was beautiful and kind, 美雪. So, after 靜流 said she had fall in love with him, he had not accepted. Therefore, she left him quietly. Although she shouldered "the loveis the death" destiny, which resulted from chosing to love him. After two years, 誠人 received the 靜流's letter which came from New York. So he rushed to New York to find her, saw her growth and love at her photographic exhibition . . . . . .

this touching love story.

(picture comes from: http://app.atmovies.com.tw/photo/photo.cfm?action=poster&film_id=fhjp60872022)

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